Saturday, June 19, 2010

Former Italian minister admists the existence of chemtrails and seignorage

Former Italian minister admists the existence of chemtrails and seignorage

Un'altra traduzione dall'italiano all'inglese da diffondere tra i vostri contatti stranieri. Si ringrazia Giulia per la traduzione.

Former italian minister Antonio di Pietro admits the existence of chemtrails during a live TV trasmission. Under this video you can read the translation of the dialogue.

Question from a viewer:
I would like you to speak out in front of all Italians and our Parliament about two issues that are worrying us, the first is bank seignorage, the other is ... how come do we have NATO planes flying all over our heads, releasing chemtrails with heavy metals and barium?

Di Pietro: Right away ... about bank seignorage, this is a veritable scandal, seignorage is worse than extortion, it is worse than extortion because it is legalized. Concerning the aeroplanes, that is an even more complicated problem; our airspace, but not only our airspace, our sea and land sites are still occupied (Soru is leading a harsh battle on this matter), they are occupied by military forces which are not Italian. Now, no one's arguing that there shouldn't be deposits or stocking sites scattered in the global territory, but that this should be done without any involvement of the hosting country ... we in Italy don't even know if and how many nuclear bombs we have ...

Talk show host: It seems that we have some ...

Di Pietro: So it seems.

Talk show host: That's how it looks, there's been talk about Aviano, anyway ...

Di Pietro: But it is not possible for others to decide on our behalf, it's a limitation of sovereignty, having said that we should all take our responsibilities, that's for sure. We would all prefer. .. I hear many people say there shouldn't be ... I've even heard official proposals that our police should be disarmed; well, I would like that too.

Talk show host: It's utopy.

Di Pietro: Yes, I mean, we should keep our feet on the ground.

Talk show host: We wouldn't need penal law if people were angels.

More info on chemtrails avaliable at


  1. Della serie: "come rendersi ridicoli (semmai ce ne fosse bisogno ancora)"

    corrado pinna di squalene, giulia, ma che minchia di "traduzione" è, questa?

    ilpeyote noiovulevonsavuàr

  2. Di Pietro tra l'altro cambia chiaramente discorso non sapendo cosa rispondere ad Antonio (Zretino sei tu?). Sul signoraggio glissa definendolo uno scandalo legalizzato, e credo si riferisca al signoraggio "vero".

    Di scie chimiche proprio non parla, si limita a parlare di basi americane sul suolo italiano e di bombe atomiche.

    Grande articolo COGLIONE DEL CAZZO di un corrado!

  3. E poi chi è il disinformatore? =_=

  4. Di Pietro, che comunque un fulmine di intelligenza non lo e', alla domanda sulle scie chimiche devia il discoroso e parla di tutt'altro.
    Quanto al signoraggio, forse non ha capito a cosa ci si riferisca.
    Comunque io da Di Pietro mi aspetto di tutto ....

  5. Ma lo capite l'italiano ????

    perchè Di Pietro parla di tutt' altre cose e non certo delle scie chimiche ....

  6. Beh, del resto di pietro stesso mica lo parla l'italiano...

  7. Ormai le canne lo hanno devastato totalmente!
