Monday, August 6, 2012

Fatevi 4 risate con queste 400 vaccate...

...tratte (ovviamente) da qui 
tdm che si sta scompisciando

4 commenti:


    (Taken from the hypnotic regressions)

    "They told me that the leadership of the Catholic Church will be without its head (the Pope) and that later another will come." "The Pope dies, and then shortly after that the second Pope also dies. There is a struggle to designate one who is not a Roman and they told me that it would endure for a little time, but that there is a conspiracy against him. After that will come one who is not born in that place (Italy). He is going to discover the New World. He is going to come to preach to the New World in our own language." (And so it happened)

    Here is what they showed to Filiberto, on a thing that looked like a television set in the wall of their ship: "There is a city that is going to be destroyed. The city is called... the capital of Mexico!" ( Around the end of 1985 occurred the disastrous earthquake that destroyed part of Mexico City.)

    "All, almost all the great population centers of California, all will go into the sea." (Parts of the coastal lands in California, from Eureka to the border with Mexico, were swallowed by the sea, according to the magazine Newsweek of March 28, 1983, pages 22 and 23.)"Here in the United States we will have an illness." (AIDS?)

    "There is an artist who is very famous. In politics her husband could become the president of the United States." (Here, we also have to clarify that this prediction was made before the movie star Ronald Reagan took the Presidency of the United States, and his wife, also a well known artist, was the First Lady Nancy Reagan).

    "The first people they showed me (on their television) were wearing loose fitting short pants. They used something like a small cap on the head. I got the impression that they were people from another planet. But later, continuing to watch as if in a movie, I could see that these were Chinese communists. Then they must have contact with the people of Communist China. They are carrying out great experiments there. They told me that Communist China would surprise the world shortly. Soon the world will be shaken by the news that is going to come out of there." "They control them. The thing is that the world will be surprised soon at what the Chinese are going to do. It is good. It is not bad." "They have control of the Chinese. There are going to be certain changes, certain things, provoked by the Chinese because there are some negative people, or would be, and in the changes those people disappear." "They showed me an example of one who was afoot and they said, 'This was their inclination,' then the person reversed his position front to back and they said, ' This is the way China will go.'

    On May 4, 1989, some 100,000 pro democracy student activists staged a huge protest march in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China's capital city. The demonstrators erected a 33-foot obelisk entitled "Goddess of Democracy," modeled after the Statue of Liberty in New York. Then armored troops stormed the Square, killing an estimated 3,000-5,000, injuring another 10,000. In the ensuing political crack down, Zhao Ziyang was stripped of his party post, and Jiang Zemin became general secretary. The Eight National People's Congress elected Jiang president of China in March 1993.
  2. On October 6,1981, the president of Egypt, Anwar al-Sadat, was assassinated by religious fanatics within his own army, during a military parade commemorating the Yom Kippur War.

    " They want to avoid all this. In this year there is a great conspiracy against the government of Israel. At the same time there is a great conspiracy between the people that control energy, in Kuwait and also in Arabia where they have petroleum energy. All those governments will disappear."

    This last message was incredibly exact. Kuwait was lost during a military struggle to Iraq, led by President Saddam Hussein, in August 1990.

    Under the command of U.S. General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the multinational coalition of the United States, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, Egypt, Syria, and France began intensive aerial bombardment of military targets in Iraq and Kuwait. In mid-February, Iraq signaled its willingness to withdraw from Kuwait. A permanent ceasefire was accepted by the allies on April 6, 1991.

    We have to remember that all these messages were given to Filiberto during his abduction on January 3, 1979. And they were privately published, before the events happened, in "UFO CONTACT FROM UNDERSEA" by Sanchez-Stevens, in 1982. According to Art Levine of "MIAMI NEW TIMES", the Cardenas incident is "the most famous abduction case in Miami history." - Virgilio Sanchez-Ocejo and Wendelle C. Stevens. "UFO Contact from Undersea
  3. Molto interessanti, oltre alla storia, soprattutto i commenti.

    Ci sono tutti gli elementi tipici degli stati di alterata coscienza: il ronzio, le luci, la lievitazione, l'incontro con umanoidi che esaminano, compiono operazioni, inseriscono impianti, prelevano campioni seminali.

    Anche il fatto che in tale stato di coscienza si possano ricevere doni profetici è nozione comune presso chi pratica lo sciamanesimo.

    Circa il due per cento degli uomini cade in questi stati di trance spontanemanente e, nella civiltà odierna, riferisce di incontri con UFO e alieni. Una volta riferivano di incontri con piccoli uomini (folletti, elfi, fate, goblin) che facevano più o meno le stesse cose.

    Ciò non vuole dire che l'esperienza sia stata irreale, ma che sia legata all'intersezione interferenza con altri piani della realtà.

    Per approfondimenti vedi: Apocalisse, visione profetica in stato di coscienza alterato

    Gesù come sciamano
  4. Ciao Corrado, ritengo che tu ti stia avvicinando alla quadratura del cerchio, ossia sei vicino a conciliare l'ipotesi extraterrestre e quella parafisica.

    Circa le predizioni di Filiberto Cardenas, lascito dei suoi incontri con gli Altri, qualcuno (ad esempio, Colaminè) ha congetturato che le "profezie aliene" siano tanto precise, perché sono Essi a provocare certi eventi.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Del resto credono che Gesù Cristo fosse il figlio di dio, ed invece era un rettiliano dissidente con manie di grandezza, che voleva svelare il nostro oscuro piano millenario per governare il mondo, ma noi astutamente prima lo abbiamo fatto uccidere con la crocefissione, poi abbiamo creato un culto sulla sua figura, che poi intelligentemente abbiamo smembrato in più sotto-gruppi.

    Anche Maometto era uno dei nostri, che con astuzia ha creato un altro elemento utile al nostro piano contorto.

    eccoci durante una piccola riunione.

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  4. a chi lo dici oggi sono in casa di una nonnina che non sopporta l'aria condizionata, c'è solo un misero ventilatore a far fresco, e non posso nemmeno godermelo perché diffonde il cattivo odore della casa...

    sono praticamente sempre davanti alla finestra con un ventaglio per avere un po' di refrigerio quando non sono impegnato.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. pazienza? 8 euro l'ora, ovvero 64 euro per 8 ore di lavoro, che se mi va bene divengono 96 perché riesco a trovare buchi da 4 ore (oppure un giorno si ed uno no ne faccio due da 8 pari a 16 ore), 6 giorni la settimana, sono 576 euro per un mese divengono 2304, tolte tasse e contributi mi restano si e no 1100 euro mensili lavorando 72 ore settimanali, ed escludendo la domenica che se trovo da lavorare non dico di no, ma sono solo 30 euro in più al netto per 8 ore di lavoro, mica palanche.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Avete notato che e' in corso un passaggio generazionale nei complottari?
    Non piu' scie chimiche dei militari per controllarci ma scie chimiche finalizzate al controllo della nostra anima, gestite da eggregore e alieni.
    Universi paralleli, mostri e demoni nell' oscurita'.
    Che inferno devono avere queste persone nella mente per preferire questa loro realta' distorta e terrificante rispetto al grigiore e al doloer delle loro vite?
    Mi fanno paura!

    1. La gente reale ha il vizio di denunciare quando accusata di crimini inesistenti, gli alieni sono generalmente più pacifici o hanno un pessimo avvocato.

  7. Ma l'avvocato di Rosario sarà mica quel coglione di Franceschetti??? Speriamo, almeno ci sarà da ridere

    1. speriamo di si così lo condannano all'ergastolo senza condizionale.
