Chemtrails do exist! - The motion against chemtrails of two little towns in Center Italy
Ogni tanto faccio delle traduzioni in inglese delle notizie più interessanti che provengono dall'Italia, vi prego di diffonderle tra i vostri amici ed i vostri contatti all'estero.
La maggior parte di queste traduzioni le rendo visibili anche attraverso il mio blog in inglese, incentrato soprattutto sull'influenza suina ed il relativo (tossico) vaccino:
This is the english translation of the italian pamphlet, I tried my best to make a good translation, but maybe I made some mistakes; please help me refine the translation.
Do you think this is a normal sky? Until 2003 in Italy we did'nt see those kind of things but now it's all different ... what happened?
And do you think is normal qhat is going to do this plane who release trails from the tail? The trails coming form the tail and not from the engine are the proof that this is not condensation of water vapour release from the engines (as our governments say).
It's not water vapour condensation, it's not pollution from the engines, it's an intentional spraying of chemicals.
Until few years ago the trails of the plane were quite never seen, and they disappeared in 50 seconds but now look what is happening ... what kind of chemicals are they spraying in our skies poisoning the air we all breath? This booklet tries to give some ansers to all these questions .
1 - the motion against chemtrails of two little towns in Center Italy
The municipal administrations of a two small town in Center-Italy “Savignano sul Rubicone” and “Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna”(near Forlì in Emilia Romagna) stood up against the poisoning plane of chemtrails. The municipal administration of “Savignano sul Rubicone” has also directly informed his citizens on the question of chemtrails handing out a free booklet (you can take a look at the booklet by clicking here).
(…) The town counsil:
- all around Italy, in our region and specifically (for what directly concern us) in our district and our town, in the last few years and in a continuously intensifying way, chemical trails (chemtrails) are noticed, which are released from unidentified military planes;
- differently from civil planes, which release condensation trails on well established courses, the chemtrails have a gelatinous consistence and are sprayed from low-flying planes by means of spraying devices well visible with normal telescopes;
[in the video below you can see a low flying plane who releases trails from the tail and not from the engine ]
- this trails cannot be condensation trails because most of the times they were observed in the absence of the conditions for the formation of condensation trails, that are so defined by the N.A.S.A.: 71% of relative humidity, -40° C of temperature and consequently a level of flight of at least 8000 meters at italian latitudes;
- from citizens denunciations, some of them addressed to the judicial authorities, we have known that these chemtrails have dangerous consequences for human health; the CNR [“Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche”, that is “National Research Counsil”, a scientific governative institute] in 2005, and indipendent researchers have found, in the analysis of rainfall samples taken after chemtrails irroration, and in samples of plants wet by this rain, a concentration beyond the normal of substances such as quartz, titanium oxide, aluminium, barium salts, surely dangerous for human health, and probably (according to some references) even carcinogenic;
- the answers to the many parliamentary questions that has been addressed, even in recent times, to the appropriate departments [Ministries], has never been clear, convincing and comprehensive, and this silence has renforced the conviction that these are phenomenons that have to be kept hidden because of their danger;
Since we believe, (…) according to the provisions of the 32th section of italian Constitution, that is legitimate to ask and to receive informations from the appropriate authorities in order to know:
- what kind of subtances are really sprayed in the air, what is the level of pollution caused by them, and what is the danger they may cause to public health; (…)
- who authorize and for what purpose, the climatic manipulation that is carried by the “aerosol undercover operations”, since the international laws forbid such interventions on meteorological and climatic phenomenons;
- for what reason the many petition addressed to the Public Prosecutor’s Offices [Procure della Repubblica] by many single citizens and associations, supported by a massive documentation, has been to date completely ignored;
[The town counsil] for all that we have stated before:
The Major and the town government [Giunta Comunale] to be spokesman of the local community, in order to receive reassurances on the protection of their own health from the President of the Republic, the Minister of Public Health, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Ambient, by forwarding this document to the above mentioned authorities.
The Major to envoy this motion to all the municipal counsils of this district inviting them to carry out similar interventions in order to guarantee on the entire district the necessary information.
The Major and the town government [Giunta Comunale] to promote all kind of useful and appropriate information and awareness campaign concerning the chemtrails phenomenon.
The town counsil of Savignano sul Rubicone
The town counsil of Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna
La maggior parte di queste traduzioni le rendo visibili anche attraverso il mio blog in inglese, incentrato soprattutto sull'influenza suina ed il relativo (tossico) vaccino:
This is the english translation of the italian pamphlet, I tried my best to make a good translation, but maybe I made some mistakes; please help me refine the translation.

And do you think is normal qhat is going to do this plane who release trails from the tail? The trails coming form the tail and not from the engine are the proof that this is not condensation of water vapour release from the engines (as our governments say).

Until few years ago the trails of the plane were quite never seen, and they disappeared in 50 seconds but now look what is happening ... what kind of chemicals are they spraying in our skies poisoning the air we all breath? This booklet tries to give some ansers to all these questions .
1 - the motion against chemtrails of two little towns in Center Italy

(…) The town counsil:
- all around Italy, in our region and specifically (for what directly concern us) in our district and our town, in the last few years and in a continuously intensifying way, chemical trails (chemtrails) are noticed, which are released from unidentified military planes;
- differently from civil planes, which release condensation trails on well established courses, the chemtrails have a gelatinous consistence and are sprayed from low-flying planes by means of spraying devices well visible with normal telescopes;
[in the video below you can see a low flying plane who releases trails from the tail and not from the engine ]
- this trails cannot be condensation trails because most of the times they were observed in the absence of the conditions for the formation of condensation trails, that are so defined by the N.A.S.A.: 71% of relative humidity, -40° C of temperature and consequently a level of flight of at least 8000 meters at italian latitudes;
- from citizens denunciations, some of them addressed to the judicial authorities, we have known that these chemtrails have dangerous consequences for human health; the CNR [“Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche”, that is “National Research Counsil”, a scientific governative institute] in 2005, and indipendent researchers have found, in the analysis of rainfall samples taken after chemtrails irroration, and in samples of plants wet by this rain, a concentration beyond the normal of substances such as quartz, titanium oxide, aluminium, barium salts, surely dangerous for human health, and probably (according to some references) even carcinogenic;
- the answers to the many parliamentary questions that has been addressed, even in recent times, to the appropriate departments [Ministries], has never been clear, convincing and comprehensive, and this silence has renforced the conviction that these are phenomenons that have to be kept hidden because of their danger;
Since we believe, (…) according to the provisions of the 32th section of italian Constitution, that is legitimate to ask and to receive informations from the appropriate authorities in order to know:
- what kind of subtances are really sprayed in the air, what is the level of pollution caused by them, and what is the danger they may cause to public health; (…)
- who authorize and for what purpose, the climatic manipulation that is carried by the “aerosol undercover operations”, since the international laws forbid such interventions on meteorological and climatic phenomenons;
- for what reason the many petition addressed to the Public Prosecutor’s Offices [Procure della Repubblica] by many single citizens and associations, supported by a massive documentation, has been to date completely ignored;
[The town counsil] for all that we have stated before:
The Major and the town government [Giunta Comunale] to be spokesman of the local community, in order to receive reassurances on the protection of their own health from the President of the Republic, the Minister of Public Health, the Minister of Defence, the Minister of Ambient, by forwarding this document to the above mentioned authorities.
The Major to envoy this motion to all the municipal counsils of this district inviting them to carry out similar interventions in order to guarantee on the entire district the necessary information.
The Major and the town government [Giunta Comunale] to promote all kind of useful and appropriate information and awareness campaign concerning the chemtrails phenomenon.
The town counsil of Savignano sul Rubicone
The town counsil of Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna
Important: if someone should doubt of the reality of this document we point out that it is possible to download it from the official website of Sant'Arcangelo town at this link, and to see the press clippings at this other link. The copy of the CNR anlysis mentioned before can be seen here: part one and part two.
What sould we think of this official document? That the major and the municipal counsil have all gone crazy? That they make a lot of fun inventing non-existent dangers? That they have been payed for stiring up fear?
Or should we simply think that they had the courage to stand up against one of the most terrible (and hidden) phenomenon of our times?
Those who denounce an occult plan of people poisoning may be easily be scoffed; those who denounce officially these kind of conspirations will certainly not get on in politcs. So why should they do what they have done, why should they state what they have stated?
The only two possibile reasons are:
a) that the poisoning plan is real
b) that many citizens of those towns did realize of the reality of this threat (expecially after the two previous conferences on chemtrails that has been held in that district) and support the municipal counsil.
It’s important to notice that in this document is explicitally written that: chemtrails (…) are sprayed from low-flying planes by means of spraying devices well visible with normal telescopes.
By this words the people in the town counsil state that everybody who have the patience of watching the sky with a telescope or good binoculars may realize the existence of spraying devices by which chemtrails are released.
Do you think that the people in the municipal counsil should state such a thing if they did not observe the sky with a telescope and verify by themselves what was happening? If they state that eveybody can verify by himself the reality of chemtrails maybe is because really everyone can do it, even you. Or do you think this people are so crazy to invent such a sensationl lie if it could be so easy to verify and umask it?
And what should you think of the major of the town of Vigonovo (in the district of Venice), who sent an official letter to the appropriate authorities (pressed by many concerned citizens) in order to know if the chemtrails are dangerous to human health?
By this words the people in the town counsil state that everybody who have the patience of watching the sky with a telescope or good binoculars may realize the existence of spraying devices by which chemtrails are released.
Do you think that the people in the municipal counsil should state such a thing if they did not observe the sky with a telescope and verify by themselves what was happening? If they state that eveybody can verify by himself the reality of chemtrails maybe is because really everyone can do it, even you. Or do you think this people are so crazy to invent such a sensationl lie if it could be so easy to verify and umask it?
And what should you think of the major of the town of Vigonovo (in the district of Venice), who sent an official letter to the appropriate authorities (pressed by many concerned citizens) in order to know if the chemtrails are dangerous to human health?
For more informations see the videos and follow the links below:
educate yourself
california skywatch
natural news
Translation by

é innegabile che le chemtrails esistano, ma solo nella mente dell'imbecille che ci crede
ReplyDeleteLabels: chemtrails, inglisc translescion ov corrado the cialtron model giuditta, scie chimiche a intermittenza
ilpeyote vedi neretto sopra
Anche io facevo le traduzioni in inglese parola per parola col dizionario....
ReplyDeletee anche io avevo sempre tre.
Dear corrado, don't preoccup about these idiots disinformers, you are the best inglisc trasletor. Stay in the bell(stà in campana), tanto when good good more black than midnight cannot be (cchiù nera d'a mezzanotte nun pò esse).
Wich God taxi driver (che dio t'assista).
ma roba da matti... poraccio....
Maddài, corrado pinna di squalene, con che faccia posti roba del genere?
ReplyDeleteUntil few years ago the trails of the plane were quite never seen, and they disappeared in 50 seconds but now look what is happening ... what kind of chemicals are they spraying in our skies poisoning the air we all breath? This booklet tries to give some ansers to all these questions .
ilpeyote SEI RIDICOLO va' a spaccare pietre con la testa
Ma questo l'inglese dove l'ha studiato, a casa Strakano' ? Praticamente traduce parola per parola.
ReplyDeleteDi fatto e' uno scritto in italiano con vocaboli inglesi !!!
Se qualche madre lingua inglese lo leggesse creperebbe dal ridere :D
Corrado un consiglio le traduzioni verso l'inglese lasciale fare a chi conosce la lingua.
Certo che questi sciacomicari non ne hanno mai abbastanza di figuracce !!!
Corrado, go to chop the stones with the head.
ReplyDelete-The tiger of the malor copyright-
LOL Corrado you're a cialtron :-)
ReplyDeleteAre you scherzing Anonymous ?
Where is the pen?
ReplyDeleteIt's on the table!
cawr rado peennaa dee sqooalini haai rrotto ee cawllionee
ReplyDeleteilpeyote lavora ogni tanto
@Foe, concordo, di fare figure di roba-fetida-marrone non ne hanno mai abbastanza!
ReplyDeleteSe le cercano in maniera quasi ossessiva, sembra che le figuracce gli servano per vivere!
O, piu' tristemente, sono VERAMENTE solo dei poveracci!
Che tristezza.
Se le cercano in maniera quasi ossessiva, sembra che le figuracce gli servano per vivere!
ReplyDeleteVedi mio commento su Straker nell'articolo "Berlusconi o Arrigoni?"
Since we believe, (…) according to the provisions of the 32th section of italian Constitution,(...)
ReplyDeleteLOL ma vai a nasconderti, 32MA SEZIONE della costituzione? Poi, notevole anche l'"introduzione" alle minchiate:
This is the english translation of the italian pamphlet, I tried my best to make a good translation, but maybe I made some mistakes; please help me refine the translation.
Perché minchia non l'hai scritto in italiano?
ilpeyote madonna che bestie
L'ho fatto leggere ad una mia amica che insegna inglese alle medie: sta ancora tenendosi la pancia per le risate.
ReplyDeleteLOL, l'ho notato solo ora, corrado pinna di squalene oltre a ignorare il senso delle frasi e tradurre parola per parola à la google translate dei bambini, scrive più di una volta counsil invece di council. Ma neanche i copia incolla sai fare, cialtrone?
ReplyDeleteAh, leggete la traduzione inversa (sempre con GT) di questo pezzo (dove, ancora una volta, corrado pinna di squalene dimostra la sua incapacità nell'ortografia e/o nel copy&paste.
Do you think that the people in the municipal counsil should state such a thing if they did not observe the sky with a telescope and verify by themselves what was happening? If they state that eveybody can verify by himself the reality of chemtrails maybe is because really everyone can do it, even you. Or do you think this people are so crazy to invent such a sensationl lie if it could be so easy to verify and umask it?
Pensi che la gente del counsil comunale dovrebbe dichiarare una cosa del genere se non osservare il cielo con un telescopio e verificare da soli quello che stava accadendo? Se si afferma che eveybody può verificare da solo la realtà delle scie chimiche è forse perché in realtà tutti possono farlo, anche voi. Oppure pensate che questa gente è così pazzo di inventare una bugia sensationl se si potesse essere così facile da verificare e umask it?
ilpeyote non sei capace di fare NIENTE
This is the english translation of the italian pamphlet, I tried my best to make a good translation, but maybe I made some mistakes; please help me refine the translation.
ReplyDeletePiu' che da raffinare sarebbe sa riscrivere ex novo ed in inglese non in italiese :D