Iceland under attack? H.A.A.R.P. activity corresponds with Iceland earthquake swarms (by Zen Gardner)

Are many earthquakes artificial and linked to H.A.A.R.P? The author of this brief but significant article thinks so.
Can’t say for sure, and many jump to the conclusion that every earthquake is the result of H.A.A.R.P. or other atmospheric heater activity. Haiti for example did have corresponding H.A.A.R.P. activity and other anomalies. Chile apparently did not. But checking a H.A.A.R.P. monitoring website, after seeing the news about the heavy earthquake activity in Iceland, there’s a clear correlation. Put it this way. We know it’s possible for this technology to do such a thing.
Who’d benefit and why Iceland?
1. Iceland didn’t take the bail out and hasn’t wanted to knuckle under to the E.U. They still have a strong free market economy and are poised for recovery. That’s not falling in line with the program.
2. In addition, Iceland recently established themselves as a “free speech haven” to protect journalists and their sources, even offering censorship-free servers and other services to journalists and Internet businesses. Sound like an idea those wanting an Internet crackdown would like to see happen?
3. More volcanos would also further exascerbate the horrific weather Europe is experiencing. That should keep their minds off of politics, their engineered economic maelstrom and quell any thoughts about demonstrating now, wouldn’t it?
4. Mighty nice distraction from the Wiki-storm and all its fallout, wouldn’t you say?
Just wondering.
Now one of the H.A.A.R.P. activity charts from the same time period. This one indicates the Total Electron Content emitted at any given time. Interesting. I’m no physicist, but something appears to be going on. Perhaps someone will clarify. Keep an eye on it. More on the earthquake activity. Map showing earthquake swarm location near Krisuvik volcano, Iceland. Another earthquake swarm is suddenly occurred near Arnarvatnsheidi, located in west – central Iceland, a location of flat highlands riddled with lakes.
Yet another earthquake swarm has rumbled in the region near the Askja volcano, located in east – central Iceland, directly over a tectonic plate boundary. Something to keep an eye on. Sure would make a nice distraction from this WIki-storm and the upheaval in Europe. Still wondering… Zen
Can’t say for sure, and many jump to the conclusion that every earthquake is the result of H.A.A.R.P. or other atmospheric heater activity. Haiti for example did have corresponding H.A.A.R.P. activity and other anomalies. Chile apparently did not. But checking a H.A.A.R.P. monitoring website, after seeing the news about the heavy earthquake activity in Iceland, there’s a clear correlation. Put it this way. We know it’s possible for this technology to do such a thing.
Who’d benefit and why Iceland?
1. Iceland didn’t take the bail out and hasn’t wanted to knuckle under to the E.U. They still have a strong free market economy and are poised for recovery. That’s not falling in line with the program.
2. In addition, Iceland recently established themselves as a “free speech haven” to protect journalists and their sources, even offering censorship-free servers and other services to journalists and Internet businesses. Sound like an idea those wanting an Internet crackdown would like to see happen?
3. More volcanos would also further exascerbate the horrific weather Europe is experiencing. That should keep their minds off of politics, their engineered economic maelstrom and quell any thoughts about demonstrating now, wouldn’t it?
4. Mighty nice distraction from the Wiki-storm and all its fallout, wouldn’t you say?
Just wondering.
Now one of the H.A.A.R.P. activity charts from the same time period. This one indicates the Total Electron Content emitted at any given time. Interesting. I’m no physicist, but something appears to be going on. Perhaps someone will clarify. Keep an eye on it. More on the earthquake activity. Map showing earthquake swarm location near Krisuvik volcano, Iceland. Another earthquake swarm is suddenly occurred near Arnarvatnsheidi, located in west – central Iceland, a location of flat highlands riddled with lakes.
Yet another earthquake swarm has rumbled in the region near the Askja volcano, located in east – central Iceland, directly over a tectonic plate boundary. Something to keep an eye on. Sure would make a nice distraction from this WIki-storm and the upheaval in Europe. Still wondering… Zen
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