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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

India: 4 children die within minutes of measles vaccination


India: 4 children die within minutes of measles vaccination

From the on line version of the indian paper Indian Express we took the article 4 children die within minutes of vaccination that seem to have been erased from the original link.

Maybe someone disliked it?

We have the proof of his existance from a search inside the Indian Expres website (who uses a google searche engine): the link is still ther ein the cache (see the screenshot down here). We have got the original article from the website themedguru.com.

4 children die within minutes of vaccination

August 2010

A routine immunization drive in Lucknow went awry after four children died within minutes of receiving a vaccine for measles followed by drops of Vitamin A solution on Saturday.

The four children identified as Rekha, Sahil, Satyam Kumari and Sania hailed from Bindauva, Rampur Garhi and Padmin Kheda villages of Mohanlalganj, a district 30 km from Lucknow.

All the victims were under two years of age with the youngest being six months old.

“A total of five children had fallen ill. All five were first admitted to a primary health centre in Mohanlalganj and then they were shifted to King George Medical College in Lucknow.

"Four died on the way and one who is admitted to Lucknow hospital is battling for life,” said Dr S.C. Ram, director general, family welfare.

Serious reaction to the vaccine
Since the kids fainted within minutes of getting the injection, the enraged parents allege their death is due to lapse on the part of the officials or a deficiency in the vaccination.

According to eye witnesses, no sooner had the kids got the shot that they exhibited serious reaction to the vaccine.

The children became breathless, began to sweat. They felt faintish and did not recover there after. Their eyes rolled back and some fluid started coming out of their mouth (convulsion like symptoms).

Immunization drive suspended
As soon as the news of the tragedy spread, the immunization drive in entire Mohanlalganj block was called off.

In an attempt to ascertain the cause of death the health officials and district administration reached the spot.

According to experts, death after vaccination occurs either due to expiry of vaccine or if it is contaminated making it unfit for human use.

“It is difficult to ascertain which vaccination had caused the deaths. Only an examination of the samples and post-mortem of the children would reveal the truth. But this is an extremely tragic and unfortunate incident,” Dr A.K. Shukla, the chief medical officer, Lucknow, said.

Furious villagers on a rampage
Following the incident, nearly 600 villagers attacked the primary health workers and held three government doctors hostage.

The furious villagers threatened to burn them alive. It was only after much persuasion by the local police that they were pacified and let the doctors off.

Local Magistrate Anil Sagar stated, “As news of the deaths of the children filtered down to the villages around 2 pm, a team of three doctors who had gone there to investigate the cause of the deaths were held hostage by the villagers in the office of the local health centre.”

Probe ordered by Health Ministry
The Health Ministry has set up a committee to probe the cause of deaths.

Meanwhile, the entire batch of vaccines that might have poisoned the children has been recalled and samples of the vials have been sent for testing.

In addition, the head of the immunization program in Mohanlalganj, Dr K.P. Upadhya, and four nurses who administered the shots have been suspended pending investigation.

"Prima facie it seems that the incident occurred due to spurious vaccine. This is a very serious incident. We will take appropriate action. Compensation of Rs 50,000 will be given to the families," said Anil Sagar.


  1. corrado coglione, potresti provare a cercare QUALE PERCENTUALE dei bambini vaccinati rappresentano quei 4 morti?
    no, sai, perche' se sono 4 su 100 e' una cosa, se sono 4 su 100.000 o su 1.000.000 forse siamo di fronte ai, purtroppo inevitabili, effetti collaterali.
    A me risulta che il distretto di Lucknow conta piu' di 2 milioni di abitanti, quindi forse 4 casi di morte, pur provocando dolore, sono statisticamente "accettabili" (NESSUNA medicina e' priva di effetti collaterali).
    Ergo, corrado, sei e rimani un povero coglione!

  2. corrado cannaiolo cialtrone

    1) Dove sono le deportazioni di massa?
    2) Dove sono le vaccinazioni forzate?
    3) Dove sono le fosse comuni e i milioni di morti causati dal vaccino ah1n1?
    4) Dove sono le bombe atomiche usate per arrestare la perdita del pozzo BP?
    5) Dove sono i 40 milioni di americani deportati e i relativi campi di concentramento?
    6) Dove sono i milioni di bare?
    7) Dove sono le prove che l'incidente di Smolensk è stato un attentato?
    8) Dove sono le prove che l'incidente di Nigel Farage è stato un attentato?
    9) Dove sono le prove che lo squalene (tra l'altro prodotto anche dal nostro corpo) fa ciò che dici?
    10) Quanto hai pagato la laurea?
