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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Un americano a Sanremo

Comitato Nazionale Tanker Enemy


Sanremo, li 1 maggio 2009


Re: [C#430056681] Copyright counternotification
Counter - counter notification
(“La consegna del perlone a Marcianò”)

Re: [C#432188580] Copyright counternotification
Counter - counter notification
(“Franceschetti: Marcianò è pagato dalla CIA?”)


Mr Paolo Attivissimo is accountable of many actions that should cause his expulsion from newspapermen order. You can see the following example, in which you can see that he auctions a hat whit [sic!] my photograph, without any authorization. In fact the advertisement contains private and personal information and image whose publication I've never authorized. The auction for charity is just a way to defame. Mr Paolo Attivissimo is a person who is accustomed to slander anyone who is not agree [?] with his ideas, by using false words. He's been working this way for many years and in Italy is "famous" for his blamable actions.

I specify that Mr Paolo Attivissimo was not authorized to to shoot me [Paolo, perche' gli hai sparato?], Paolo Franceschetti and other situations, during the lecture, inside the lecture hall and to use the name of my Committee or my name and surname: this is a copyright infringment [ma usare lo spell check...]. I remember that a defamation channel "marcianorosario", linked to Attivissimo's channel, was removed, after my notice, just because it was a channel that infringed community rules. In fact Attivissimo's videos that I made removed were inserted like favorites in this defamation channel.

Best regards

Rosario Marcianò
President of Tanker Enemy National Committee

By Blogger Straker, at 01 maggio, 2009 12:46

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