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Monday, March 8, 2010

A world initiative to oppose clandestine aerosol


A world initiative to oppose clandestine aerosol

Let's protest against chemtrails, by a sinchronized action! Let's turn off all the lightes and television sets at the same hour.

Let's do something against criminal operations known as "chemtrails spraying". Our voice must be heard and spread to make the governments know that we are aware of this destructive agenda.

STOP CHEMTRAILS! Turn off the lights



  1. Soft cheese from Lombardy, your English is almost worse than mine!

    Google Translate

  2. Web pipol vote: no more telemters birbants, so no more many factures birbants.

    sorry, mai inglish is not gud es iors, mr sterkorar

  3. sterker vedo che fare figure di merda ti diverte, sarà perché sei un omo e mmerda?
    Sterker ti ricordo le figure di merda che ti sei fatto come sedicente esperto di informatica, basta vedere come ti hanno preso per il culo su Punto informatico dove hanno subito capito che sei esperto solo nello sparare cazzate. O del tuo Attacco a nonciclopedia, per cui sei stato preso per il culo qui, qui, qui, qui, qui e sei stato definito , a ragione, un niubbo pirla, infatti da idiota incompetente, non sai che il log registra chi fa le modifiche (sei un grande informatico vero?) così che ti fai sgamare subito, dimostrando, ancora una volta, di essere un ignorante incompetente,
    Per le figure di merda che di sei fatto come sedicente hacker vogiamo parlere di quando hai scoperto i comandi dos scambiando le utility di sistema per virus fadendo ridere l'intera rete? ad esempio qui o qui dove commentano Ma infatti è un articolo abbastanza cretino, scritto in un italiano incerto e dai contenuti abbastanza approsimativi oppure qui
    Vogliamo contare anche le volte che sei stato preso per il culo sul tuo sito e non te ne si accorto, dimostrando di essere un emerito incapace? Ad esempio qui o qui, dopo tutto solo un ignorante incompetente non sa la differanza tra indirizzo pubblico e indirizzo privato.

  4. Dear Geometer,

    thank you for this initiative! I advertise all my friends, we are so many! If everybody the people of the committee support you we can reach a good result!
    Let's go! Let's do to see the green rats to the disinformators!

  5. Francamente preferisco la "Turn off the light" di Nelly Furtado rispetto a quella di Strakanò.


    Juleps, ilpeyote anonimo

  6. six great straker!
    I talk to all my friend of this lodevoly initiative and I turned off the light all night long(while dorming)!
    In the mouth of wolf for your big fight oppose toxicals chemicals trails!
    And remember all of your uninformator: at long to go, all chemical substance were toxic!!!

  7. My dear anonymous,

    maybe you wanted to day "at l'ong to go"

  8. Rosary (the bead) di cognome Not March o No Marching chessia, si è ispirato a:
    "Smorza 'e llights" di Renzo Arbore.

  9. And remember all of your uninformator: at long to go, all chemical substance were toxic!!!

    Are iu Mr Rorro ?

  10. Go to brek stones with your glossy head, comandante clusò.

    ilpeyote puBBlished by straker

  11. And the winner is...

    The Foe-Hammer said...

    Are you scherzing Mr. Marciano' ?

    ahahahha no! i'm sirius (not black..eh)

    Vostro se.se.su.se wacciugannadù

  12. Go like this commander,

    to you, Santi Byron makes you a mustache

  13. Priced uninformators! I have made an error in typing, of course I indended "at l'ong to go"!!!!
    You will pay for this thisaster, you are at the sdripping!

  14. Bitte schön,
    noio, noio volevan, volevon, savuar, noio volevan savuar l'indiriss, ia?

  15. but i don't understand... if we all togheter will turn off the light at 9.00 pm (which time zone?) the evil SMOM will stop the chemtrail operation? and why? they really care about our lamps?

  16. Renzo Arbore si è detto molto adirato di questo tentativo di plagio di "Smorz' 'e lights".
    E' stato sentito dire "chille nun capisc manc'o caiz"

  17. Stolt anonimous man,
    if you turn off the light and the television sets in to the same time, the evil waves of the HARPP don't arrive in to your brain and the SMOM can not manipolate your pensiers

    After writed:
    captcha: foofight LOL!!

  18. dear ngrtt, it is not sufficient to wear a stagnol-paper hat to protect our brain? the waves of HARPP are so insidiuos?

  19. @ngrtt
    pensiers? which ones?
    do you mean "pensiers at couples of two"?

    "after writed" è fantastico!

  20. Straker, but go to give away the butt!

  21. ma porkamenta dai, non ci credo che si possa essere così "lesi". Qui in ufficio oramai il "terazzino team" sono una barzelletta quotidiana ;) e l' unico che ci credeva svariati mesi fa ora é il primo a spamare le cazzate del O' puppa haha

  22. Mister Marcianò don't pens un cos.

    Che se spengn la luc tutt il mond alle nov di ser in ogn nazion la luc verrà spent ad un orar divers.

    In quest mod ci sarann one-two luc spent per ogn nazion e quest'iniziatif non verra cagat manc pò cazz.

    Scusat il mio ingles ma non lo parl ben.

  23. O'commander insists on diz story of spenging the tv and the lights for some minutes and even on Facebook they take him around why it is inutil. What is having in his mind?

  24. Second mi 'o comandant clusò not hev pagat de bollett.

    ilpeyote no hablo pero intiendo

  25. “Hello!! la my bedroom e grand ci sono tre bed, una scrivanes two armadies, one tapeto, una windos. Shi is la mia best friends tutti i giorni andiamo fuori, il my colour prefereues e yello.”

  26. Plis, rid dis


  27. Let's protest against tankerenemy, by a sinchronized action! Let's brush our hair and have sex at the same hour.

    Let's do something against dumb operations known as "straker posting on teh internets". Our voice must be heard and spread to make the marcianò brothers know that we are aware of this ridicolous agenda.

  28. @ Anonymous
    I believe that if the evil waves are capac to make terremoters molt chilometers under earth, then can let's go under the stagno-hat inside the head

    @ gian
    certainly, pensiers at couples of two, one for the first neuron and the other for the second neuron.

  29. Escuse mi, at uat taim ai mast spegn the light? I don't sach uat hour is bicose mai uatch se scasset...

    P.S. catpcha = mycaption (GIURO!!!)

  30. o my God,
    I am a prezzoled disinformator, because the iniziativ of the best italian chemtrail and weather modification espert I am very afraid and I apple make under !

    mr Brown not logged

  31. Please stop guys, i'm pissing myself under from the to laugh!!! :D

    And if i imaging how much Straker is pupping right now, it comes me a shot!!! :D

  32. In any case i'm of accord with Stroker. Is the hour of finish her with these chemical trails!

    These sicofants have broken the cock!

    And is inhelpful that the disinformators try to shuffle the cards in table, nownever the truth has come to galla and the omelet is made!

  33. Mr. strakkin please, just spegn the computer instead, for us it's enought that.

    CAPCHA: ingskilz = english skills OMG! :D

  34. Oh well-said-Sir!

    please, mr little-balcon-king: stop bird-watching and find one tocc of gnocc... ehm, sorry, a toilet-girl is oll iu nid and all iu can... (attention: if you tacci enadar bird probably is not a girl, 6 at ior bradar too)

    Bai bai
    MarcoB (aspirant perfect inglisc master, not as strakkin but so-so!)

  35. for me this will be the more best post to take for the ass straker of always!

  36. You guys all bisogn to prend some lezions of Inglisc. Please contact mi. I will do bon prais.

  37. I pupp
    You pupp
    Strakano' pupps
    Giditta pupps
    Zret pupps
    We pupp
    You pupp
    Straker, Zret, Mike, Arturo, Corrado ..... pupp

  38. Sorry, error of sbaglio :

    Giuditta pupps

    Pliis, anoter error of sbaglio:
    Giuditta would pupps, but no truv one dispost ...

  39. Inonman iu ar rait, sorry for second error of sbaglio !!!

  40. Skunk slut!
    I'm in the office, i gommon... sorry, cannot make the figure of shit laughing as an idiot davant al scherm of the pc!


  41. The office of Straker is the little terrace, where he pupps all the time, whereas his brother Zret pupps only part-time.
