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Questo e' un blog satirico ed e' una presa in giro dei vari complottisti (sciacomicari, undicisettembrini, pseudoscienziati e fuori di testa in genere che parlano di 2012, nuovo ordine mondiale e cavolate simili). Qui trovate (pochi) post originali e (molti) post ricopiati pari pari dai complottisti al fine di permettere liberamente quei commenti che loro in genere censurano.

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Il solito grande ZDoggMD

...alla faccia degli antivaccinisti. Divertitevi :)

1 comment:

  1. beh, ecco il testo :)

    You’re insecure, don’t know what for

    Scared that she’s gonna rock your world and leave sore?

    Don’t understand her master plan

    And you’re so scared of her you peed in your pants!


    But everyone else in the room’s been with her

    She’ll do everyone, even you…

    Homie if you don’t hook up it’s just misery

    The sweats and fevers and aches ain’t no mystery

    Boy she’s been yearning to poke you it’s plain to see

    Don’t say no, go and get your flu shot yo!

    Stick it in, squeeze it, then rub it here

    You might be sore the next day but nothing to fear

    ‘Cause after all she just gives it up once a year

    Don’t be slow, go and get your flu shot yo!

    All my homies at Zappos!

    ZDoggMD, with the DTP (Downtown Project), Zappos we gonna keep ya healthy

    Core Value: Delivering OWWW! Flu shot is what we delivering now

    How can ya get the flu from the flu shot

    The flu in the flu shot’s deader than Tupac

    Sure you may get sore or a fever, but ya save more babies than Beiber

    For you, the flu, is just a drag

    But you spreadin’ flu puts others in a bodybag!

    If everyone here were just vaccinated, then everyone might be immune

    Baby, inoculate against this misery

    If not for you then for friends and for family

    ‘Cause influenza can end ya, it’s plain to see

    It may blow, but go and get your flu shot yo

    All my homies at Zappos…

    non lo conoscevo, zdogg e' un Dottore!gli altri sono un Pediatra, un Radiologo ed un Chirurgo, sono bravissimi :D
    in cul@ agli ultimi merdosi post che i soliti noti stan vomitando di recente ( medici 'corrotti', vaccini ritirati [3 su 10000000000] e sfoghi paranoici vari )
