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Questo e' un blog satirico ed e' una presa in giro dei vari complottisti (sciacomicari, undicisettembrini, pseudoscienziati e fuori di testa in genere che parlano di 2012, nuovo ordine mondiale e cavolate simili). Qui trovate (pochi) post originali e (molti) post ricopiati pari pari dai complottisti al fine di permettere liberamente quei commenti che loro in genere censurano.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Due piccioni con una fava...

...ovvero un'ENORME canzone di Bruce Springsteen e (all'inizio del video) qualche demolizione controllata 'DAL BASSO' (o in mezzo, o in alto, non importa, straccioni che non siete altro: 'analizzate' pure il video quanto volete) :)))))

CONTENTI, complottististi di 'sta fava?????



Well, they blew up the chicken man in philly last night
Now, they blew up his house, too
Down on the boardwalk they're gettin ready for a fight
Gonna see what them racket boys can do

Now, there's trouble bustin in from outta state
And the d.a. can't get no relief
Gonna be a rumble out on the promenade
And the gamblin commissions hangin on by the skin of his teeth

Well now, evrything dies, baby, that's a fact
But maybe evrything that dies someday comes back
Put your makeup on, fix your hair up pretty
And meet me tonight in atlantic city

Well, I got a job and tried to put my money away
But I got debts that no honest man can pay
So I drew what I had from the central trust
And I bought us two tickets on that coast city bus

Now, baby, evrything dies, honey, that's a fact...

Now our luck may have died and our love may be cold
But with you forever I'll stay
Were goin out where the sands turnin to gold
Put on your stockins baby, `cause the nights getting cold
And maybe evrything dies, baby, that's a fact
But maybe evrything that dies someday comes back

Now, I been lookin for a job, but it's hard to find
Down here it's just winners and losers and don't
Get caught on the wrong side of that line
Well, Im tired of comin out on the losin end
So, honey, last night I met this guy and Im gonna
Do a little favor for him

Well, I guess everything dies, baby, that's a fact...


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