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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fata Morgana


silnaakum ‘alaa Sfaa ‘alaa Halaa khanha dfaa
silnaakum ‘alaa Sfaa ‘alaa Halaa khanha dfaa
Fi Hwab shkhiirkum TaalaH
Fi Hwab shkhiirkum TaalaH
Fi Hwab shkhiirkum TaalaH
Fi Hwab shkhiirkum TaalaH

Tlabnaa kum haatuu shifaa idwaa’ fii idi hlijifaa
Tlabnaa kum haatuu shifaa idwaa’ fii idi hlijifaa
Tahba bil jaralHas saama’
Tahba bil jaralHas saama’
Tahba bil jaralHas saama’
Tahba bil jaralHas saama’

miSbaahak nuuruu Tfaa yaa la’maa ‘aqalinaa Hfaa
miSbaahak nuuruu Tfaa yaa la’maa ‘aqalinaa Hfaa
tilfinaa wad diniaas waaia’
tilfinaa wad diniaas waaia’
tilfinaa wad diniaas waaia’
tilfinaa wad diniaas waaia’

tklam bikduub u hifaa ‘abdi khidmuhi shirfa
tklam bikduub u hifaa ‘abdi khidmuhi shirfa
yaakul Saabat kul zaara’
yaakul Saabat kul zaara’
yaakul Saabat kul zaara’
yaakul Saabat kul zaara’

Silnaa kum haatuu ha Sifaa fii Haala Zurfhaa tilfa
Silnaa kum haatuu ha Sifaa fii Haala Zurfhaa tilfa
yaHlaf min huu Taama’
yaHlaf min huu Taama’
yaHlaf min huu Taama’
yaHlaf min huu Taama’



tismuu irzaqna bilhfa wiHnaa anshuufuu brrija fir’uun maa


 It’s extremely difficult to translate Arabic poetry into European languages. The arabic poetry is
using a lot of pictures which mean much more then just the words. In Europe we have a similar
tradition rooted in Greece. When you just mention the name “Sysiphos” a whole picture opens in the mind of the guy rolling this rock up the mountain and every time he is almost up hill the stone is rolling down again. The arabic language is full of these poetic archetypes. Therefore the following
translations only show part of their real meaning.

 We are brothers, we are sisters and we want peace
Each of us has a voice to be heard: « Give us peace ! »
Each of us is equal to the other
Each of us is a neighbour
We are brothers, sisters and neighbours
Each of us wants peace
It must not remain a dream :
Let peace reign now!
Let’s sing this song for the unification of mankind.