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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Global brain chip and mesogens: nano-machines for ultimate control of false memories (By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)


Global brain chip and mesogens: nano-machines for ultimate control of false memories (By Dr. Hildegarde Staninger)

Dr. Hildegarde Staninger is studying for many years the real scenario behind chemtrails, whose Morgellons is the terrifying consequence.

In July 2011, she received a referral patient for comprehensive industrial toxicology evaluation and advanced biological monitoring testing. During that time the patient explained how they were exposed to multiple directed energy sources that were monitored within the patient’s home. The individual, a female of Chinese ancestry, age 57 and a professional cultural educational director/musician, explained that approximately two years prior, she was sitting at her desk talking on the cell phone (right ear), when she experienced a feeling of burning glass needles entering into her left ear and its canal. Several weeks later she started to experience pains on the left lobe area of her brain and also experienced a cough that came from the upper bronchi area of the left lung. Testing performed by her physicians revealed in 2010 and reconfirmed in 2011, a 9 mm meningioma on the left lobe of the brain. The patient/client was determined to remove the meningioma and to have it tested, surgery was scheduled at Cedar Sinai Hospital with the surgeon being UCLA’s Director of Neurosurgery. Brain specimen was collected by a private investigator, retained by the client/patient and ear canal specimen was transported to IHS by client/patient. All appropriate chain of custody procedures were followed. It should be mentioned that in reality a 1.2 cm menginoma was removed, but... something horrible and unbelievable was discovered...

Human brain is changing: by means of nanochemtrails and the integration of nanotechnology into the bio-sensory world, the secret goverment is going to monitor or control the human beings. The majority of high impact technologies that use brain-computer interface as a “Brain chip” or Bio-sensors explains how mankind is becoming a post-human species. This is not science-fiction, this is not a dark future, because that's happening now in front of our blind eyes.

Thank You, Dr. Staninger, for this excellent article, for Your friendship.

Read here the document.


  1. Tanto per ricordare chi è la staminchier, quella del microscopio giocattolo: http://tinyurl.com/6nvyr6z (andare a fondo pagina)

  2. Una cosa, poi (se sbaglio, correggetemi): ma la frase iniziale

    Dr. Hildegarde Staninger is studying for many years the real scenario behind chemtrails, whose Morgellons is the terrifying consequence.

    in inglese corretto (e più semplicemente) non si dovrebbe scrivere

    Dr. HS has being studying since many years what is behind "chemtrails", the "Morgellons desease", their supposed consequence?

    Voglio dire - per non parlare del resto - mi sa tanto di prosa ad minchiam à la Zret tradotte (parola per parola) con gùgol translèit, per non parlare dei tempi e modi verbali.

  3. Perchè continua a chiamarla Dr.? La laurea che ha preso non è di una università reale ma da un sito web.
    E' meno che un diploma di Radio Scuola Elettra.

  4. Già Nico. E dopo la SRE/CEPU, Laurea in architettura a Genova con 110/110 e lode e in fisica a Messina con 110/110 :)

    ilpeyote curriculona

  5. Ma vuoi vedere che è imparentata con i marcianò?

  6. Come minimo han fatto le stesse scuole :)

    Fantastico, poi: postano la stessa foto da anni, di quando la curriculona ne aveva 35/40 o giù di lì non più col microscopio 2X, ma a mo' di santino tipo Padre Pio (quelli magnetici con su scritto "papà non correre").

  7. Ed ecco di nuovo l'Hildegarde, laureata presso una università farlocca, dottoressa quindi come Rosario è architetto, ahahahahahah

  8. Thank You, Dr. Staninger, for this excellent article, for Your friendship.

    Tènc Iù, Doctor Stamìnchier, for dìs ècscellent àrticol, for Iour frèndscip.

    ilpeyote http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14rNkZL1n10
