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Thursday, July 22, 2010


essseblog (1 hour ago)

cosa ti ha fatto il Sig. Scattolo?
Non ti sei accorto che ormai anche quella capra di Straker non crede piu' che sia io?

sveglia campione
essseblog (1 hour ago)
That's GREAT!!!
These chemtrailers idiots have been fooled and are all happy.
Thanks for the laughs my friend.
Markox99x (1 hour ago)
Michele Scattolo facci un favore....sparati
Hanmarit (2 hours ago)
I was an easy prophet, Tim.
Noboby... no, better, no idiot chemtrailist will believe it was a JOKE.
Not even if you explicitly tell them.
angel16659 (4 hours ago)
ich sehe jeden tag so shit-flugzeuge chemtrails versprühen und ich bin nicht paranoid!
das war ein großer fehler dieses video hier rein zu setzen!!!
aber trotzdem TANK U :-)
dbootsthediva (6 hours ago)
Excellent video of one of the planes spraying
Thank you for having the courage to videotape it and post it
for the world to see
Peace from No Calif
ferro809 (7 hours ago)
we are all with you!
elboyo2009 (8 hours ago)
Put on some more fake shit, you soon will be no.1
eruditemaestro1 (9 hours ago)
Keep the camera rolling,And by the way, How far behind that plane were you?
You must have some type of special clearance to fly that close behind that trail.
HMMM just wondering..
USAFFEKC1O (9 hours ago)
You guys who keep saying "TOO LATE" need to think before you open your mouth...I don't care that the videos are still out there and going viral. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE PRANK!!!! ...for all of you chemtrail idiots to get all excited as if these videos are the holy grail of chemtrail videos and for me and my friends to laugh at you while you spread them. The more passionate you guys are about this, the more entertaining it is for those of us who live in the real world. So, keep on spreading the videos my friends. Have fun, I am!
ZionistWorldOrder (9 hours ago)
Google: Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (US Dept Of Energy)
the energy departments of all NATO countries have similar projects of their own and already have aerosol "campaigns", run by NATO since 1976.
lyonrr (11 hours ago)
it is clearly that all this is only a false, you must have very many threats quickly and stan trying to make to you talk false things now
eruditemaestro1 (11 hours ago)
Yeah Tim! You are a fully fledged,Bonafide hero right now.Your channels just made it into the top ten all time great List,I hope you're real pleased with yourself.
There's no recinding or backtracking now Tim, As you are now the man of the moment.
Good luck buddy because your gonna need it! Adios Amigo.
supercashgirl (12 hours ago)
Pilote,et un gros trou du cul aussi! non?
Thedreadzone (13 hours ago)
Well done Tim, your video just made it up on Rense, you might soon be famous, Lol!
angel16659 (13 hours ago)
yes my sweeheart, TOO LATE :o)
lusmanRally (13 hours ago)
COVER UPS....peoples need to know...need yoyr help
finefilth (14 hours ago)
ecco1347 (15 hours ago)
chemtrails are real in germany toooo
sorry for your problems
ecco1347 (15 hours ago)
too late

MrVivaldi777 (18 hours ago)
too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D too late :D :D
MrVivaldi777 (18 hours ago)
:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D :D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D:D you have supplied the irrefutable test of the existence of chemtrails :D

Hanmarit (21 hours ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show

SanDiegoSpot (1 day ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show

SanDiegoSpot (1 day ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show
Markox99x (1 day ago)
Good job USAF! This is the definitive confirmation that whoever tries to break up the silence over chemtrails is either discredited or brought back into the fence.
The good point is that once you released the videos, they went viral and now are of global public's domain,

Thank you again for shooting this incredible footage of planes spraying toxic stuff over population.
And thank you so much for changing your attitude so quickly and in such a concerned way (changing names to videos, posting on each YT video, ecc...) that shows with no doubt that you got pressure by the high rank poisoners.
Skywitness (1 day ago)
The video evidence speaks for itself, and we know it's the real deal...it's to late to try and cover it up. Thanks for filming the video that went viral on Tankerenemy's channel. We will make sure it continues to be seen throughout the world...btw, tell the USAF generals that they are still a bunch of cowards for allowing the chemtrail spraying to take place.
k0nn0r (1 day ago)
You should never had released this video. The chemtrail people are stupid and gullible. They dont understand the physics at work here, they dont understand what this video shows. They think the drooped hinges of the flap fairing are spray nozzles, ignoring that the vapour comes from the leading edge of the wing in an even stream, not like vapour would come from a nozzle. None of them are engineers or scientists, they're just dumb and confused and your video confused them more

tankerenemy (1 day ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show
MysteryLinesInTheSky (1 day ago)
WTF ???



Uedrese1 (1 day ago)
...too late...tim...!
USAFFEKC1O (1 day ago)
Well, guys and gals, it's been fun playing with you. I hope this has taught you a lesson about how gullable you all are. Now go take some science classes and stop smoking so much wacky-tobacky!!!
Starfirephoenix1 (1 day ago)
Briliant footage..what where you flying to be abobe him ? No Joke no one paints those godamn lines up there. LOL How dumb people are not to watch the Skys amd whats happening in them .

Pity you didnt have an air to air locked on it the murdering scumbags..can I re upload this with links back to yours and whoever else has it ??
nickaudio (2 days ago)
alessandropivetti (2 days ago)
Thank for your job!
73tony (2 days ago)
really, really good work. Thank you
fedecrazy87 (2 days ago)
great channell! thank for videos! :)
gigetto6 (2 days ago)
Very interisting channel: you are a brave man, I'm proud of you.
Markdodici (2 days ago)
YT user "controglistupidi" is an italian Attivissimo's brownnoser, notorious debunker and secret service employee, look at his ridiculous and derisory avatar, look his YT friends too, there are other well known debunkers and people dedicated to virtual stalking against those involved in chemtrails' research.
Block him.
strike0724 (3 days ago)
Good job!

mi777ke777 (3 days ago)
great work. be safe and keep them coming...
rlapex65 (3 days ago)
KEEN961 (3 days ago)
hmmm this is too dodgy... i think its a plan. show something to end up covering everything. typical CIA technique...but thanks for posting anyway
SPDRACER1231 (3 days ago)
Nice work my friend!
Take care.
ThePaleWriter (3 days ago)
Excellent footage, thanks :)
imagicination (3 days ago)
Thank you for these videos.
They show clearly what is happening.
Haunebu45 (3 days ago)
great vids!

greetz haune ;)
Uedrese1 (3 days ago)
@ contraglistudidi
try to write in english please so a lot of people not understand italian Thank You

controglistupidi (3 days ago) Comment(s) marked as spam Show
Uedrese1 (3 days ago)
Thank You...!

dvmcgovern (3 days ago)
You have some of the most amazingly convincing chemtrail footage I have ever seen. Thanks for your postings and watch your back because the man won't like you posting this info. Daph
polese100 (3 days ago)
this is the final proof.
ellysvin (3 days ago)
thank you for this video....this is the countdown.....
peace and hope free earth, from the essence not-terrrestrial negative....
I'm from Italy sorry my english....
CanaleRealTV (3 days ago)
great proof...thank you friend!
turboxxxcrime (3 days ago)
Thank you USAFFEKC10 !!!!
tankerenemy (3 days ago)
Thank you very much for your videos.
finefilth (4 days ago)
best chem video ever
warriorsbond (4 days ago)
Awesome vid on the spraying. Thank you. Sub'd
angel16659 (4 days ago)
sorry for my english,i am an german..:o)
thank u for this good videos,i wish u and your family the best,take care.
angel xo


  1. Questa gente non capisce un cazzo. Non ho parole.

    Ps. La conversazione tra Attivissimo e Bosco sulla questione di questo video è vera o una supercazzola?


  2. purtroppo no e ricordiamo sempre che Tom Bosco ha un brevetto da pilota.




  3. Tom Bosco non CREDE alle scie,
    semplicemente le tratta come un qualsiasi altro dei suoi prodotti da vendere.

    Mitica la frase di risposta quando gli scrissi (10 anni fa circa) dicendogli che le sue teorie sui complotti lunari erano errate, inviando anche le foto che lui contestava, con le dovute spiegazioni:

    "per ogni esperto che dice una cosa, io gliene trovo un altro che dice l' esatto contrario"

    Segno evidente che a Tom Bosco (e alla sua rivista) non interessa essere reali, nè scoprire la verità: ma incassare (e dopo almeno una mezza dozzina riviste "uccise" dallo ZioTom, si ha anche il dubbio che le capacità d' incasso ci siano).

    Non parliamo della foto pubblicata ultimamente e scattata dall' interno di un' autovettura che mostra uno scaracchio sul vetro dell' auto, spacciandolo per "ricaduta di sostanze dopo un' irrorazione".

    Fenomenale Tom Bosco, meglio che al circo.

  4. Fantastico esse ci facciamo il libro

    KC10 QUEST !


  5. Anonymous said...

    "L'unica cosa che s'è capito, è che lo smom vuole sterminare l'umanità lanciando a casaccio pesanti contenitori di cemento sperando di prendere qualcuno sulla testa."

    Una idea di Attivissimo applicata su larga scala, in effetti: quando era impiegato all'ufficio collaudi della Top One frantumava le tegole di argilla usando la capa del Comandante come incudine.
    Se la tegola resisteva all'urto era commerciabile. :-P
    Thursday, July 15, 2010 4:55:00 PM GMT+02:00

    Straker ha detto...


    @ Luka78

    Paolo Attivissimo ha il vantaggio di avere alcuni sponsor governativi. Se non fosse per questo, starebbe ancora in GB a controllare la qualità delle tegole di argilla prodotte dalla piccola fabbrica ove era assunto.
    22 luglio, 2010 00:53

    No comment. :)

  6. Dove l'avrebbe preso il brevetto di pilota Tom Bosco? All'aeroclub adiacente alla facoltà di Architettura dove si è laureato stracchino?

  7. se guardate il profilo di Tom Bosco vi scappa una risata:

    Guardate sotto i siti che segue, cosa notate nel link a FaceBook?


  8. Follia pura certi commenti...


  9. Ragazzi, non so se ve ne stiate accorgendo ma....

    ..qua stiamo scrivendo la Storia...

    Vostro se.se.su.se

  10. Indovina indovinello, quanti sono i fake dello strakkino che hanno commentato ?

    A mio giudizio perlomeno Markox99x e' strakkino sotto mentite spoglie. E c'e' ne un altro, non presente in questi commenti, Markododici, che puzza di stercorario lontano un miglio :D

  11. Ho visto l'headline del suo blog: "... Pilota nell'animo..."
    In altre parole, è uno che vola con la fantasia.

  12. Considerata l'ossessione che nel tempo Markox99x ha mostrato per eSSSe (lo vede dappertutto) direi che potrebbe anche essere lo strakkino sputtanato in ogni dove...

    Se non lo è pazienza, è comunque un poveraccio al suo pari ahahah

  13. Anche secondo me Markox99x è in realtà lo sterkorario

  14. Non so se per questi convenga la lobotomia o la sterilizzazione.

  15. Considerata l'ossessione che nel tempo Markox99x ha mostrato per eSSSe (lo vede dappertutto) direi che potrebbe anche essere lo strakkino sputtanato in ogni dove..

    Oppure marchino guardacheluna, l'eta che dichiara e' la stessa dell'ingegnerone.

  16. Non so se per questi convenga la lobotomia o la sterilizzazione.

    Per strakkino e il fratello la sterilizzazione non serve vista la loro notoria misoginia.

  17. @souffle said...
    Dove l'avrebbe preso il brevetto di pilota Tom Bosco? All'aeroclub adiacente alla facoltà di Architettura dove si è laureato stracchino?

    Ma carissimo.

    Presso l' Aeroclub dell' Università !

    Abbiamo a disposizione fior fior di Flight Simulator 1.5 versione Winzozz 3.1 !!!!!

    Pensi che abbiamo sfornato fior fior di piloti tipo mio Cuggino Corrado Pene!

    Tra l' altro ricordo con piacere le chiaccherate sulle stronz.....sulle ipotesi da propin....da controllare con verifica scienticissima, io sono proprio in sintonia con il Sig. ZioTom SottoBosco, che mi ricorda l' humus, il muschio, le felci e l' suo afrore caratteristico della natura in decomposizione.

    E quindi è un cognome scientifico!!!!

    E lasciamo perdere le sue competenze per un attimo e lasciatevi dire che il suo confronto con il capo dei disinfo sarà vincente, me lo ha pronosticato il Polipo Peter, l' amico delle mie ragadi.

    Se poi pubblica foto di sputazzate sul vetro dell' autovettura del suo amico "sosololeiniziali" spacciandole per ricadute di scie chimiche siamo a cavallo.

    Antonello Stocazzo Ph.D
    Magnifico e Flightsimulastico Rettore della
    Libera Università di Stocazzo

  18. Keep up the good work. You have all my support. These "chemtrailers" don't believe a word they say or write.
    Their YouTube accounts collect advertising revenue every time someone visits their site.
    Don't argue with them (unless it's essential), and NEVER visit their site.
    If at all possible, set up an almost similar site (but please don't tell lies) which dilutes their income
    There are thousands doing this at the present time, so it's hard, I know.
    Thirty years ago I worked to set up the internet, and it is galling and ironic that thousands of people are now getting PAID to DISINFORM others using this wonderful medium.
    I certainly never expected this to happen.
