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Monday, November 22, 2010

Chemtrail Tanker Video From Whistleblower Pilot at Cruising Altitude (by deadlinelive.info)

Dear the my commander Rosi, you do not have yet understand that the pilot is taking you for the ass?
Why continue to pubblish these?


Chemtrail Tanker Video From Whistleblower Pilot at Cruising Altitude (by deadlinelive.info)

For the first time, a breakthrough video shows the spraying nozzles and turbo fan systems of a KC-10 aircraft taking part in high altitude spraying operations… What will the chemtrails skeptics say now?

This never before seen video footage shows a McDonnell Douglas KC-10 aircraft. This sophisticated design of tankers was originally intended for military ‘air-to-air’ refueling operations. However, in this case, as clearly demonstrated by this whistleblower video, this KC-10 has been modified with spraying nozzles and turbo fans, which are clearly visible.

The video was also posted by the Italian alternative news website www.tankerenemy.com under their Web TV segment called Cani Sciolti – Chemtrails: La falla nel sistema or Dogs on the Loose – Chemtrails: The flaw in the system.

The Italian text captures shown in the video state the following:

A KC-10 (military refueling tanker) participating in a high altitude aerosol-spraying clandestine operation is followed by another aircraft.

This video was posted on Youtube on the 14th of July of 2010, but the trails were actually sprayed in 2008, and seen (for the first time) only now. The video might have been uploaded by a military pilot, if the user name is taken into consideration (Youtube user name of USAFFEKC10). A dog on the loose*… A flaw in the system…

• -”A dog on the loose,” or “an agile dog” in the Italian language (“Un cane sciolto”… as in a canine that’s smart, agile and flexible enough to escape from a cage or his master, and refuses to become domesticated) is an informal reference made to someone who doesn’t follow the rules, a rogue individual, or someone who’s truly free and independent.

Kudos to this brave air force pilot!... Un cane sciolto!!!

Also, congratulations to the great work done by www.tankerenemy.com! Felicitazioni per il buon lavoro di www.tankerenemy.com!

Source: deadlinelive.info


  1. ROTFL :-D non si può dire altro :-DDDDDDD

  2. Ma quante risate si starà facendo il tizio che ha filmato la scena? :-)
    Bisognerebbe mandargli i link di tutti i video editati che hanno ricavato dall'originale, roba che manco Charlie Chaplin ha avuto tante citazioni.

  3. A questo punto si impone nuovamente di linkagli il mio video tanto per ricordargli le sue doti linguistiche.

  4. Adesso ho notato!
    Also, congratulations to the great work done by www.tankerenemy.com! Felicitazioni per il buon lavoro di www.tankerenemy.com!
    Si fa anche i complimenti da solo!
    Ma che imbecille!

  5. gùgol translèit in mano a certi ignoranti:

    -”A dog on the loose,” or “an agile dog” in the Italian language (“Un cane sciolto”… as in a canine that’s smart, agile and flexible enough to escape from a cage or his master, and refuses to become domesticated) is an informal reference made to someone who doesn’t follow the rules, a rogue individual, or someone who’s truly free and independent.

    Kudos to this brave air force pilot!... Un cane sciolto!!!

    Leggi qui, bestia: http://dizionari.hoepli.it/Dizionario_Inglese-Italiano/parola/maverick.aspx?idD=3&Query=maverick

  6. Si fa anche i complimenti da solo!

    Diciamo che rosi si autolecca il proprio culo, che poi e' la stessa cosa della sua faccia ...
